Friday, December 10, 2010

Donna Priest-Brown, SDPC, Co-Chair

As we gathered around the table to enjoy a succulent breakfast, nestled closely together at the table, watching autumn lose its leave while chatting about our most precious jewels, our future leaders of tomorrow, OUR CHILDREN.  A moment in time that I will never forget. Thoroughly enjoyed the guest and the heartfelt concerns and comments shared by all.  Let’s do it again!

SDPC Watch: SDPC's 1st Fireside Chat w/ Special Guest Dr. Euge...

SDPC Watch: SDPC's 1st Fireside Chat w/ Special Guest Dr. Euge...: "The SDPC hosted their first Fireside Chat on Saturday, December 4 at the Evergreen Resort @ Stone Mountain Park. The purpose..."

Sunday, December 5, 2010

SDPC's 1st Fireside Chat w/ Special Guest Dr. Eugene Walker

The SDPC hosted their first Fireside Chat on Saturday, December 4 at the Evergreen Resort @ Stone Mountain Park.  The purpose of the Fireside Chats is to connect with community members to discuss educational opportunities, issues and challenges related to our school system.  Dr. Eugene P. 'Gene' Walker was the guest speaker.  Dr. Walker is an outstanding and accomplished educator, historian, community leader, elected official, and public servant.  Dr. Walker was recently re-elected to serve on the Dekalb County School Board and represents District 9.  Thank you Dr. Walker for joining us and sharing very valuable information!

If you attended the Fireside Chat, please share your thoughts!